Welcome to my fantastic learning blog. I am a Year 8 student at St Patrick's School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Learn/ako: Developing life skills
Create/hanga- a solution to a problem
Share/tohatoha - your new creation/innovation with the class and on your blog. for this activity I made for my class.
Monday, August 26, 2019
clap challege
WALT:Developing rhythm and movement,collaborating, sequencing movements.
here is our video.
here is our video.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Film Making
WALT: Learn: sequencing ideas; extending ideas, making connections, Script writing, planning, purpose and audience, evaluation.Create: A film to enter in the Film Festival.Share:With friends and class for feedback. Blog and at the Film Festival.
1. Get the idea in your head and note down them down to form your film.
2. Find out who your audience is and think about what they want to see in the film and how your going to get there.
3. Write and edit your script
4. Draw out your storyboard so you can get an idea of what you want it to look like before you begin filming
5. Get feedback from different people and revise.
6. Find the locations that your going to film at, make sure that your not at a busy or loud place.
7. Film your senses from different angles and find out which works
8. Cut the films down to make it more interesting
9. Discuss with other to see if the film matches the storyboard
10.Add in special effects to help merge the different scenes
2. Find out who your audience is and think about what they want to see in the film and how your going to get there.
3. Write and edit your script
4. Draw out your storyboard so you can get an idea of what you want it to look like before you begin filming
5. Get feedback from different people and revise.
6. Find the locations that your going to film at, make sure that your not at a busy or loud place.
7. Film your senses from different angles and find out which works
8. Cut the films down to make it more interesting
9. Discuss with other to see if the film matches the storyboard
10.Add in special effects to help merge the different scenes
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
WALT: Sustained reading, comprehension at deeper level leading to conversations and making connections. we have been reading a book named foxcraft, we get two new
questions each week.
questions each week.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Te Reo Maori
For this activity we had o find out about a place on the west coast that was named in Maori and write about what it means. My one was Atarau which is the purpley red one.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Our community
WALT: research about the community that we live in and what events happened in the journey to get to where we are now.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Always Head Forward
WALT: find out what goes into a genre and how to write a story using that genre. This is my success criteria.
Forward is the direction that I was heading swiping away lies, pain and disbelief until the day I looked my desanie straight in the eyes. People say that the best way to live is with others that you love, as for me, I disagree, the wild is the place to be. Throwing one leg in front of another until the end of my days in the wild, always watching, listening for the right moment to strike my pray.My job finding and killing wanted millionaires, the most high tech job in the world at this given time, I’m the only one in the world that does this job for many reasons. Down a dark alleyway is where this story begins. On my way to my apartment I was forced to run down an alleyway chased by my worst enemy, dogs. Dogs would be my greatest weakness but I’m smarter than them so I jump up onto some cardboard boxes and continued to run and jump around the sides of this brick alleyway try to find a gap to leap out of this nightmare. I finally ran out of Objects to jump on I was cornered in the back of the overgrown alleyway, downtown, New York. This left me with one option try and climb the vines that cover the old bricks and get as far as I can away from dogs.Stomach rumbling, dehydrated and hungry for sleep, I stumbled through the doorway and into the kitchen to find a source of food, in the dark I fumbled around the fridge to find something clam the monster inside of me. After five long minutes I found something and decided to sleep, as I made my way to my bed they came, the ones I was afraid of meeting… the Van Der Geest family that I was assigned to kill and they had to do the same for me. Death, one more thing to add to my fears list, the worst punishment of all that I give to many in this city but no one gives to me as they fear the conscience of trying. They make their entry through the door and widows, they moved through the apartment one room at a time and found me in my room luckily I was still awake and made way for my gun on my bedside table, trying to aim and shot in darkness is not a very good idea, I thought my gun around aimlessly firing whenever I sore movement, after I finshed my rowed of bullets I was baged and taken away. My feet dragged along the carpet as they pulled at my arms, down the stairs we went thud, thud, thud. The pain shot throughout my lifeless body, thoughts and memories began to spil for my body, as I made contact with the cold metal of the vehicle. I woke up not knowing where I was, so I decided to play it dumb so I could listen to pray and prepare to strike, they started talking, “what are we going to do with this killer?” “hang him upside down and integrate him, idiot.”Off the information that I just overheard I decided to act. Fumbling around in the bag I managed to find the knife that I always keep in my sock, with this sharp object I sliced a hole at the top of the bag just big enough to site my way out. To my surprise I was in the middle of a rainforest. With my incredible eye site I looked around for my captives, clear. I slowly cut my way out of the wet bag constantly checking my surroundings for movement. I wiggled out and creeper towards the bush line to prepare for my escape. Crouching behind a tree in the centre of enemy territory, trying to get away from the pain that’s stubing me in the back.Run the best plan that I came up with, so that's what I did and if that wasn’t a good idea I thought that the only logical way to get out was straight through their front door. I didn't expect what I began doing after that, as if magic pumped through my veins I RAN!!! As I was running away from humadie still being pumped with the power I came to a stop a plucked an apple from out of this blue and purple tree. I had been running for an hour before coming to another stop and had begun seeing more peculiar trees and animals, I stopped and staggered into the bush to find a cozy place to lie down only to come out at the one place I didn’t won’t to be, at the Van Der Geest’s “abandoned” house, I turned and hid behind a dead flaxs bush. Looking around I found one person at this side of the perimeter and a SAR 80 behind some rotten logs on the other side of the house, I army crawled towards the weapon spotted another person on that side of the building. I scopted up the gun and fired five bullets directly through the opposition's head. I moved forward into the open and fired at the back up coming from inside the house, I dived to miss the oncoming bullets and instantly gave them a taste of their own medicine.Running at the building I shot at the windows a leaped through one of them and just like that I was ready to blow the building with the TNT that was in one hand. I bolted out of another window and emerged in group of trees and started to run, after the hardest twenty seconds of running I heard the most incredible noise... BOOM!!! You might be wondering where the TNT came from well the answer to that question is that came off a fancie green tree about ten minutes away. Always head forward is the key to life the bush is where I now live and where I will for a long time to come with no job and nothing to worry about. With my belle full and wide awake I was ready to take on whatever the world was going to throw at me.
Always Head Forward
Forward is the direction that I was heading swiping away lies, pain and disbelief until the day I looked my desanie straight in the eyes. People say that the best way to live is with others that you love, as for me, I disagree, the wild is the place to be. Throwing one leg in front of another until the end of my days in the wild, always watching, listening for the right moment to strike my pray.My job finding and killing wanted millionaires, the most high tech job in the world at this given time, I’m the only one in the world that does this job for many reasons. Down a dark alleyway is where this story begins. On my way to my apartment I was forced to run down an alleyway chased by my worst enemy, dogs. Dogs would be my greatest weakness but I’m smarter than them so I jump up onto some cardboard boxes and continued to run and jump around the sides of this brick alleyway try to find a gap to leap out of this nightmare. I finally ran out of Objects to jump on I was cornered in the back of the overgrown alleyway, downtown, New York. This left me with one option try and climb the vines that cover the old bricks and get as far as I can away from dogs.Stomach rumbling, dehydrated and hungry for sleep, I stumbled through the doorway and into the kitchen to find a source of food, in the dark I fumbled around the fridge to find something clam the monster inside of me. After five long minutes I found something and decided to sleep, as I made my way to my bed they came, the ones I was afraid of meeting… the Van Der Geest family that I was assigned to kill and they had to do the same for me. Death, one more thing to add to my fears list, the worst punishment of all that I give to many in this city but no one gives to me as they fear the conscience of trying. They make their entry through the door and widows, they moved through the apartment one room at a time and found me in my room luckily I was still awake and made way for my gun on my bedside table, trying to aim and shot in darkness is not a very good idea, I thought my gun around aimlessly firing whenever I sore movement, after I finshed my rowed of bullets I was baged and taken away. My feet dragged along the carpet as they pulled at my arms, down the stairs we went thud, thud, thud. The pain shot throughout my lifeless body, thoughts and memories began to spil for my body, as I made contact with the cold metal of the vehicle. I woke up not knowing where I was, so I decided to play it dumb so I could listen to pray and prepare to strike, they started talking, “what are we going to do with this killer?” “hang him upside down and integrate him, idiot.”Off the information that I just overheard I decided to act. Fumbling around in the bag I managed to find the knife that I always keep in my sock, with this sharp object I sliced a hole at the top of the bag just big enough to site my way out. To my surprise I was in the middle of a rainforest. With my incredible eye site I looked around for my captives, clear. I slowly cut my way out of the wet bag constantly checking my surroundings for movement. I wiggled out and creeper towards the bush line to prepare for my escape. Crouching behind a tree in the centre of enemy territory, trying to get away from the pain that’s stubing me in the back.Run the best plan that I came up with, so that's what I did and if that wasn’t a good idea I thought that the only logical way to get out was straight through their front door. I didn't expect what I began doing after that, as if magic pumped through my veins I RAN!!! As I was running away from humadie still being pumped with the power I came to a stop a plucked an apple from out of this blue and purple tree. I had been running for an hour before coming to another stop and had begun seeing more peculiar trees and animals, I stopped and staggered into the bush to find a cozy place to lie down only to come out at the one place I didn’t won’t to be, at the Van Der Geest’s “abandoned” house, I turned and hid behind a dead flaxs bush. Looking around I found one person at this side of the perimeter and a SAR 80 behind some rotten logs on the other side of the house, I army crawled towards the weapon spotted another person on that side of the building. I scopted up the gun and fired five bullets directly through the opposition's head. I moved forward into the open and fired at the back up coming from inside the house, I dived to miss the oncoming bullets and instantly gave them a taste of their own medicine.Running at the building I shot at the windows a leaped through one of them and just like that I was ready to blow the building with the TNT that was in one hand. I bolted out of another window and emerged in group of trees and started to run, after the hardest twenty seconds of running I heard the most incredible noise... BOOM!!! You might be wondering where the TNT came from well the answer to that question is that came off a fancie green tree about ten minutes away. Always head forward is the key to life the bush is where I now live and where I will for a long time to come with no job and nothing to worry about. With my belle full and wide awake I was ready to take on whatever the world was going to throw at me.
The End
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Map of Stories
For this activity we had to research about the west coast, the treaty of waitangi and how the maori lived when the colonizers came and ruined their lives.
Monday, June 3, 2019
Camp Recount
Teapot Valley Camp
At two o’clock in the Afternoon on monday the sixth we arrived at the most exciting camp that I was ever going to experintes. Spooky and misteris was the way I summed up the middle day at this camp. Pranks and total chaos was the the last day and night on the wild rollercoaster ride of a camp. Top team, zip lining are two of the many enjoyable activities at the jam packed Teapot Valley camp.
Day one, Traveling
I got to school on one of the windiest mornings ever, I grabbed my bag and strolled to class to drop my bag and go to play before school started. After half an hour the vans rolled up to be loaded with children and bags and began our journey to Reefton for morning tea and a streak we also go numbers so they could know if we were all there. Then we jumped back in our vans and went off to murchison here we had lunch and played on the skatepark with the tiers that where there. Starting again on our long journey we had taken a short detour down a road that Ms Bellis thought was the right way but we end up at a river bank so we turned around to get back on the main road to get to the proper destination.
Day Two, Activatie one and breakfast.
I woke up to the sound of playful joy outside my cabin door, as I got out of bed and slowly staggered down the concrete path that led me to the most enjoyable place in the entire camp, the dining room. Breakfast was made up of toast, porridge, cornflakes, ricebubbes, fruit and yogurt as for my breakfast I had toast and porridge. We packed up breakfast and started our groups first activite, this was go karting down the hill at the back of the propatie. The aim of this activate was to get pushed from the top of the hill and get around a corner and see how far up the hill you can get, the skills we needed for this was teamwork, confidence and determination.
Day two, Activate two and lunch.
After go karts we went back to the dining area for morning tea this constituted of fruit and baking from home then wondered to the abseiling we lined up from the most confident to lest and started and the front. I was the first to go down the wall and I found it enjoyable but I didn’t like it when I slipped and fell on my face at the top, some people went very swiftly down the wooden wall but others had take their time to get down as it was their first time abseiling. After that we went back to the dining room for lunch we had Macaroni and cheese we then cleaned up and went to play for an hour on the field or just outside the dining area for six squire or checkers, I chose to kick a ball around on the field with some other kids.
Day two, Activate three
Confidence course the hardest activatie ever, for this we need to balance on a angled strips of wood then we climbed over a wooden fence after that we bowled over a seesaw like object and jump of and placed on another strip of wood before climbing up a angled ladder and swinging on so rops with tires at the bottom of each rope that hang from the trunk of a cut down tree storage after that we went along some monkey bars then jumping onto a rope swing to end the course you won if you hadn't touched the ground over the hole course.
Day two, Activate four and dinner/supper
This was our last activity rotation for the day and it was rock climbing in the gym there was a competition for this and nathan was on top with a time of 16.63 with his dad right behind him at 16.87, my time was 23.19 and I left feeling proud even thought I wasn’t on top. We had Burgers and chips for dinner that night, the burger consisted of a beef patty, lettes, tomato and pineapple, it tasted delicious. Straight after we finished our burgers we had ice cream sandwiches for podding and they where go in a flash they were that good. Then in about an hours time we had cake and milo as supper.
Day two Activatie one, two
This was my favorite activatie on the second day and it was the Zip line. This was so much fun because there wasn’t many people in our group so we got 3 or 4 turns. The zip line was dangerous so we had to wear harnesses and had multiple ropes attached to us to ensure that we stayed safe when riding the line. I just about got told off for laying flat so it looked like I was superman. Then we went to the low ropes course which was a confidence builder for most people. The course contained lots of moving poles and wires that you had to belits on. There was also a wheel that we had to get over using teamwork.
My favorite activity would have been the Zip line or go karts it was a great experience that I would never turn down. This was the best camp that I had ever been on and will definitely be going throughout the holidays and bring my family and friends along with me. I loved the food that was provided by the camp and the staff were really nice.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Monday, March 11, 2019
For Anzac day this year I researched an item and my item was William Henry Lynch's history and dentle sheet, you can read him and his dentle sheet in my prestion. injoy!!!
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Leader letters
We have been writing leader applications here is my one for environment leader.
Saint Patrick’s School
Puketahi Street
1 March 2019
Saint Patrick’s School
Puketahi Street
Application for the Leader of Environment
To whom it may concern.
I’m writing today to apply for the position of the environment leader.
I will help the school to go green and the students to learn about the outdoors.
I strongly believe that I would work well with the students, teach them responsibility and show them
the power of their actions. I’m writing because I believe that I will be the most suitable for this level of
I will help the school to go green and the students to learn about the outdoors.
I strongly believe that I would work well with the students, teach them responsibility and show them
the power of their actions. I’m writing because I believe that I will be the most suitable for this level of
I will brighten up the school with students art, and make an efficient recycling and compost system.
By giving the students a roll to play, they will learn responsibility and give them the chance to see that
with a bit of effort anything can happen.
By giving the students a roll to play, they will learn responsibility and give them the chance to see that
with a bit of effort anything can happen.
Staying healthy is a big problem for some people so I believe that St Patrick’s should be able to give
out fresh healthy meals, It’s as easy as setting up and garden and having the students in groups to
look after one plant each. Using recycled wood we can make little gardens to grow these plants.
out fresh healthy meals, It’s as easy as setting up and garden and having the students in groups to
look after one plant each. Using recycled wood we can make little gardens to grow these plants.
As you have read I would make a great leader and can help the school and students in a lot of ways.
Thank you for taking the time to read and putting my letter into account.
Thank you for taking the time to read and putting my letter into account.
Yours Sincerely
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Pablo Picasso Art
WALT: research and find out about Picasso and his art.
Pablo Picasso
Did you know that Pablo Picasso crafted around 50,000 pieces of art!!!
Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 and began his career in 1894, in the start of his career he started
painting in blue and black this was known as the blue period (between 1901 and 1904), the reason
for the color choices where to represent his feeling from His friend, Carlos Casagemas after he
committing suicide at the age of 20 for his unrequited love of Germaine Pichot.
painting in blue and black this was known as the blue period (between 1901 and 1904), the reason
for the color choices where to represent his feeling from His friend, Carlos Casagemas after he
committing suicide at the age of 20 for his unrequited love of Germaine Pichot.
Pablo made a co-finding of Cubist while at real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.
Pablo loved bold lines and shapes but never liked to use one shade of colour. Picasso started in
life by co-invention of collage art. After the Blue period came the Rose Period, in this period he
painted mostly clowns, carnivals and harlequins using red, orgen, pink and earth colors (
this was between 1904 and 1906). Loneliness and poverty are some of the reasons that Pablo
did what he did.
Pablo loved bold lines and shapes but never liked to use one shade of colour. Picasso started in
life by co-invention of collage art. After the Blue period came the Rose Period, in this period he
painted mostly clowns, carnivals and harlequins using red, orgen, pink and earth colors (
this was between 1904 and 1906). Loneliness and poverty are some of the reasons that Pablo
did what he did.
During the start of the 20th century, Pablo experimented thought different ways of panting,
after 1906 he became lifelong friends and a competitor with Henri Matisse to win over the
crowded with their style of modern art.
after 1906 he became lifelong friends and a competitor with Henri Matisse to win over the
crowded with their style of modern art.
Picasso lived a long eventful life, living to the age of 91 (1881 - 1973) as for his kids all but one are
still living today, he died at the age of 54 (1921 - 1975).
still living today, he died at the age of 54 (1921 - 1975).
This is my Picasso Art It had to look like me but different, this toke me 3 days to do.
I think it looks a bit like me and a bit like a lizard.
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
SLJ - Week 2 - Day 2 - Activity 3
All over the world there is strange plants and life forms, here are my top 2 strangest plants and the differents and similarities.
Hydnellum Peckii
Hydnellum Peckii is a type of fungi that has big bubbles of a blood like sumstes.
You can find this in North America and Europe.

Lithop is made of two leves on the outer edge of the plant, it's commonly know as living stone.
You can find it in South Africa.
Difference and Similarities
SLJ - Week 2 - Activity 3
The West Coast is know to always rain but the longest river in nz is in the north island. The longest river in the hold wide world is in South America at a whopping 6400 km.
Have a go at these true or false questions.
First thought Correct answer
On your blog, write out each fact and in CAPITAL LETTERS beside the fact, write the word ‘TRUE’ if it is a true fact or ‘FALSE’ if it is not true.
True or False?
Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish.
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids.
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish.
Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc)
Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’
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