Wednesday, January 2, 2019

SLJ - Week 2 - Activity 3

The West Coast is know to always rain but the longest river in nz is in the north island. The longest river in the hold wide world is in South America at a whopping 6400 km.
Have a go at these true or false questions.

First thought                           Correct answer

On your blog, write out each fact and in CAPITAL LETTERS beside the fact, write the word ‘TRUE’ if it is a true fact or ‘FALSE’ if it is not true.
True or False?

Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish.
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids.
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish.
Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc)
Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Kurt,

    My name is Rachel and I am working with the Summer Learning Journey programme team this year. It is great to see that you have joined us and posted activities in both December and January. Way to go!

    We hope that you are enjoying the journey and learning a lot about New Zealand as you go. I certainly learned a lot about fish from completing this activity. It looks like you might have learned some new things as well because you were able to take a first guess and to then do your research to find out if you were correct or not. I really like the way that you have done this. It is such a cool way to demonstrate your learning!

    I hope that you will continue to do great learning over the summer and to share that learning with us on your blog. Our team will come back soon to check your blog and see if you have finished any of the other SLJ activities. We hope that you will!

    Bye for now,
    Rachel :)


Thanks for your helpful, thoughtful comment on my blog.